Husband, Father, Adventurer
Husband, Father, Adventurer
In my personal life, it is my desire to fully develop my abilities by pursuing challenges that initially appear impossible. Whether it is running a half marathon, pulling together a team for a technical climb of Mt. Rainier in Washington to raise money for a non-profit, writing a book geared towards helping others returning to the U.S. after time abroad, or simply showing my children the wonders of living off the land while backpacking through Appalachia, it has been my experience that a life filled with adventure and challenge improves concentration, determination, perseverance and overall performance in the workplace.
Personal Pursuits
Personal Pursuits
11,000 students’ lives are being transformed through Africa New Life’s sponsorship program. Through the process of provide two hands of the Gospel serving both the spiritual needs and physical needs, children in Rwanda are dreaming bigger than they ever imagined possible.
Umubano Group is a fund created for the purpose of creating jobs for those in need. Through the Investment in for-profit businesses, we believe that we can provide employees “Agaciro” or “Dignity” through the work that they perform. Umubano is a Swahili word that means, “Good Relationship” and that is what we strive for. Good relationships with our host country, with our business partners, and with our employees to provide household income, lift communities and provide a modest return for our investors.
The climbing team on the top of world: Mt Rainier, Washington
In 2016, I led a team on a yearlong journey of training physically and mentally to take on a summit attempt of Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The largest glaciated mountain in the lower 48 states, Mt. Rainer was a great launching pad for future mountaineering adventures.
The climb wasn't just about pushing our personal limits, though. I also wanted a way to inspire others. To accomplish this, my team and I developed a campaign in partnership with Africa New Life Ministries which was promoted through social media and raised over $5,000 to feed non-sponsored children in Rwanda, Africa.
It has always been a passion of mine to help people recognize their dreams and support them through times of struggle. After years of co-leading mission trips to South America and Africa to support outreach programs for vulnerable populations, I saw a need for those taking part in these trips to receive assistance processing their journey once they returned home.
To help as many people as possible, I have developed a manuscript that is currently in the review process with a prominent Christian editor. The goal is to walk readers through simple steps that can help them keep the newfound perspective they gained abroad, while softening the landing back home.
Prominent Christian editor, Paul Pastor has been brought into the project to bring this manuscript to life.
Backpacking pushes physical limits and teaches the ability to improvise and adapt. Situations outside of one's control will always affect the initial plan, but through the process of issue identification, risk assessment, and strategic implementation, any obstacle can be overcome and potential damage minimized.
So it is also in business. The path to success is very rarely a straight line. Backpacking for multiple days in the wilderness is a great way to adjust perspective and learn thought processes that allow you to handle stressful situations with grace and composure and come to resolutions rapidly. Additionally, this hobby also requires (and subsequently enhances) optimum physical and mental conditioning, which are tremendous assets in any pursuit.
I thoroughly enjoy time in the wilderness alone, with friends, or with my boys Aidan and Jackson.